Leaping from the prophetic pages of the Book of Revelation, the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse have become well-known figures in our Western world and beyond. These harrowing riders have established themselves in our cultural awareness, but they are not meaningless metaphors. They reveal a prophetic vision of terrifying events that will soon engulf the whole world—and will affect you and your family more profoundly than you know!
Emerging out of the mist and riding across the landscape the so called Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse appeared to the Apostle John in vision at the close of the 1st century. What do those four horsemen really represent? Were they a merely a vivid nightmare? Or perhaps the product of an old man's imagination? Or do they represent something very different - a living prophecy that will unfold in our generation? The ride of these mysterious four horsemen will dramatically affect your life and that of your family in the years immediately ahead. Would you like to know how?
Does Bible prophecy reveal the destruction of planet Earth? Or does it give us powerful encouragement and hope as we face the dangerous realities of our world today? In this program, we will learn five keys to Bible prophecy, which can help you understand what humanity will soon face in a time of ever-increasing perils. There is hope—if you know where to find it!
Most of us have lost friends and family members. Some die in old age, others are the victims of wars, diseases and tragic accidents. When we mourn the loss of our loved ones, we often wonder what their lives could have been if they had lived, and we ask: "Will they live again?" Your Bible gives an encouraging answer!
Millions of soldiers and civilians have died in the two world wars as well as regional wars, civil wars and terrorist conflicts. We mourn the loss of our friends, neighbors and relatives who have died from whatever cause. Many nations set aside a day of remembrance, a memorial day, to honor those who gave their lives for their country. We often wonder what careers or family life could they have had if they had not met death? One of the most important questions we need to ask is "Will the dead live again?". Is there life beyond the grave?