| Tomorrow's World

Have You Been Saved?

What does it mean to be saved? If anyone has ever asked you this question, or if you think that you are, you might be surprised by what the Bible has to say on the subject. Tune in as Richard Ames looks to the word of God to find out what being “saved” involves, and what Christ is doing now.

Can You Trust the Bible?

What makes the Bible different from other “holy books”? Is it just another historical document, filled with human error? Or is it really the word of God? Can you prove to yourself whether the Bible is the reliable source for truth? You can!

Does Love Need a Teacher?

What is real love? Is it a feeling? Is it something inherent in us or does it need to be taught? Many would be surprised to know that there is an ancient source that gives us guidance on the meaning of true love. The Bible is the most up-to-date instruction manual in existence when it comes to this subject. It teaches us how to show proper love towards one another.

Your Glorious Destiny Beyond Death

When you die, will you go straight to heavenly bliss or eternal torment in literal hellfire? What about your "unsaved" relatives, who may never even have heard true Christianity preached? You do not need to fear—God has a wonderful, fair and loving plan for you and for everyone!

Exposing the Devil's Deception!

You may have heard the saying, "A deceived man doesn't know he's deceived." In this world of religious confusion, do you know the important steps you can take to avoid being duped by one of Satan's counterfeit religions—even a counterfeit Christianity?
