| Tomorrow's World

Keys to a Joyous Marriage

What is the answer to the many unhappy relationships around the world? In this program, Roderick Meredith turns to the Bible to show that God has specific guidelines that should be followed in order to build strong marriages and families. Start using this wisdom today…

America and Britain in Prophecy

Where is America headed? How long will our so-called "American way of life" survive? How much will your job, your family and your very life be affected by the enormous traumatic events which your Bible specifically prophesies?

America and Britain in Prophecy

What are the futures of America, Great Britain, and Canada going to be like? The Bible explains in detail what is coming for these mighty nations, and why their power is declining right before our eyes. Join us as Roderick Meredith explains God’s prophetic warnings and predictions!

What was First Century Christianity Like?

The Christianity of today is not at all like the Christianity of the apostles and of Jesus Christ Himself. How can you and your family be among those who practice Christianity as it was intended? In this edition of Tomorrow’s World, Roderick Meredith explains.

What Do You Mean, 'Salvation'?

What does it mean to be saved? Does humankind desperately need salvation from its sins? The truth about this all-important concept may surprise you. In this program, God’s definition of salvation is discussed, straight from the pages of the Bible.
