The theory of evolution has led many to believe that there is no God. Others believe that God created the universe and then let evolution proceed without Him. Supposedly, "God is now out of the picture and He has nothing to do with the history or future of mankind." Those individuals will soon be shocked! Agnostics and atheists will tremble to their toenails when God shakes the heavens and the earth. You need to understand the power of God.
The Book of Revelation may be the most mysterious book you have ever read. Did you know it reveals the future of the world in the 21st century? Bible prophecy reveals major prophetic events that will soon shake the world. It explains the framework of end-time prophecy, and outlines the signs for which Christians should be watching. You can know what lies just ahead!
Between 25 and 30 percent of your Bible is prophecy. Did you know that Bible prophecy reveals vital truths about the future of the world - and your own future? With war, sickness and pain all around us many people are tempted to lose hope. But if you understand Bible prophecy you can find hope for the future and for your own life. There are basic keys to understanding Bible prophecy. You need to know what they are.
Events in the Middle East are exploding. They are in the news headlines nearly every single day. Almost everybody has an opinion as to how it will all turn out. But there is only one "opinion" that really counts. You need to really understand what lies just ahead in the Middle East, how it will impact your life over the next several years and who will finally attain ultimate victory in the Middle East.
Is mankind about to blow itself up? Iranian scientists continue to pursue the atomic bomb, while Iranian citizens burn American flags in the street and shout "Death to America!" Iraq is descending into full-scale civil war. Around the world, other tragic events are bringing war, disease, famine and death to millions. Most of us do not like to think about all these terrible events at once, but together they spell out an ominous future for this present world. What is the only genuine solution to these growing crises?