| Tomorrow's World

A New World Order

A “new world” is coming! When God’s Kingdom is established on earth, your life will never be the same. But what is going to take place before Christ returns? Roderick Meredith explains what the Bible says will happen before this Kingdom is set up, and how God will intervene powerfully in human affairs.

Beyond the New World Order

A new millennium has arrived, and life-changing events are about to happen. Tune in as Roderick C. Meredith takes a look at what the Bible tells us concerning end-time prophecy. Will a political entity rise in Europe, and how will it affect your life and the lives of everyone on the earth?

Will Christ Actually Come Again?

Will Jesus Christ actually come again - really? Most people simply laugh at the idea of Christ actually returning to this earth in person. But is this really what the Bible says? Are there specific events indicating it will be soon?

Is There Life After Death?

Many scientists believe that life ends at death. On the other hand, many religious people believe that when the body dies the soul goes to heaven or hell. Still others look to the resurrection as their only hope. Think of all the billions of humans that have ever lived. Was there a purpose for them? Will they have a future hope? What is the truth? Is there life after death?

Is There Life After Death?

Perhaps you wonder what will become of you or your loved ones after death. Beliefs and theories abound. However, there is a real fate, explained in the pages of God’s word. Join us as Richard Ames delves into the Bible to explain the hope God has in store for you - and for all of mankind.
