Very few people understand one of the most profound mysteries of all life. This mystery goes far beyond anything most of you have ever heard before. It has to do with "why you are alive". It has to do with do with the awesome purpose for which you and I are drawing breath. Yet it is not something "weird". You can now understand and prove this mystery to yourself. And if you really "get it", this understanding can revolutionize your very life!
Where are we headed as the year 2006 begins? How will your life be changed this year? Can you really know what lies ahead? Can you prove your ideas and your feelings? There is a way to be sure! There is a way to build confidence to the future.
The United States has been a great superpower. However, with other potential superpowers on the horizon—such as the European Union and China—will the United States continue to exercise its political, economic and military power? Or will disasters and disappointments continually plague the United States? What does Bible prophecy reveal?
Great nations often reflect great character and purpose. But when their morals and values decline and decay their days and years are numbered. How incredible it is when states and nations reject the Ten Commandments. We even prohibit posting the Ten Commandments in our public buildings. Amazingly, even many religious people approve of immoral, sinful conduct and behavior. Are we in the western world headed toward a moral meltdown?
Your future is about to be drastically changed. A massive religious revival will soon overtake the Western world, and and it will affect your life far more than you can probably now imagine. The Antichrist your Bible talks about will be heavily involved in this, and will deceive most of your friends and loved ones—and you—if you do not understand and heed God's warning.