| Tomorrow's World

America on the Brink

After almost a century of dominating influence in the world, the United States is a nation on the brink of disaster. Facing the scourges of terrorism and war, its shaky economy is built on debt and consumption. What affects America will affect the world, including you and your family. Can you know with certainty what lies ahead?

The Power of Prophecy

Picture in your mind the mushroom cloud of an atomic bomb. The United States is facing six deadly perils which will change our entire way of life forever. These perils are underway now, and will "detonate" over our nation, as deadly as a real atomic bomb, in the near future. Do you know what they are, and what you can do to protect yourself?

Are They All Lost Forever?

A cold hard fact of life is that the vast majority of humanity has died without believing in any way the message of Jesus Christ. Indeed, countless numbers have lived and died without hearing a single mention of His name. Perhaps this enormous number of non-Christians include some of your dead ancestors or relatives, perhaps a parent or grand-parent or even a child. Are all of these people lost forever? What does your Bible REALLY say?

America and Britain -- A Special Relationship

Why do the United States and Great Britain have such a close international relationship? Is it their shared language? Their cultural heritage? Their history as champions of the free market and democracy? There is a hidden reason for the lasting bond between these two nations. You may be surprised to learn where the knowledge explaining this special bond can be found!

Why Must Christ Come Again?

Christ's return is not just a religious issue; it is a matter of human survival. Our world is seeing an explosion of crises. Billions around the globe are suffering from drought, famine, war, poverty and disease. America and its allies are in deep trouble. But there is a real God, Who is concerned about mankind's very survival. He will intervene in world affairs to save us!
