| Tomorrow's World

Why Observe Easter?

What is the true meaning of the Easter holiday? Countless people have accepted the traditions of men over the teachings of the Bible - and holidays like Easter, which have no foundation in God’s word, are taken for granted! In this program, the truth about Easter is revealed.

Easter Is Pagan

Why do millions of professing Christians observe Easter? Grave deceptions have convinced untold numbers that Easter, and not Passover, is a Christian practice, but the Bible clearly warns against it, and all other pagan practices. This program explains…

God's True Sabbath

Why do you believe the things you do? Where, for instance, did you get your ideas about religion and the worship of God? Why do you observe Sunday as the day of worship? Many of you are in for some shocking information.

The Biblical Holy Days

Why do you believe the things you do? Why, for instance, do you observe Christmas? Why do you observe Easter? Did you think these holidays came from the Bible? Then, you could not be more wrong.

The Resurrection was NOT on Easter

Jesus Christ of Nazareth rose from the dead. But, He did not rise from His grave on Easter Sunday morning. Does that shock you? If you want to hear the rest of the story, then listen to this telecast.
