Do you pray? Multiple millions of people pray and many of them do so on a regular basis. But what about "answers"? Do you regularly expect and receive answers when you pray? Would you like to know how you can? What makes for effective prayer? Is it merely a matter of saying just the right words? Is prayer to be like a magic formula? Are there special prayers that are effective for special needs or circumstances? Would you like to know how to really get answers when you pray?
Millions if not billions of human beings are miserable and unhappy. Many are victims of abuse, oppression or crime. Others seek pleasures and become addicted to vices. They reap the pain and penalty that results from the illusion of lustful sensuality. Broken relationships produce unhappiness. With all the suffering in the world, with all the terrorism, with all the hurts we feel, can you ever be happy?
Do you remember the Cold War? Do you remember when it ended? What ever happened to the "giddy" optimists and their predictions of the "end of history"? Lets face it, with the collapse of the Iron Curtain in 1989 and the subsequent end of the Soviet Union a couple of years later, there were many in the west who were convinced that a time of universal peace and prosperity was on the horizon. Those rosey predictions simply have not proven out. On the morning of September 11, 2001, two hijacked jet liners flew into the twin towers in New York City.
Is God the product of human imagination or does He really exist? Are scientists right to say that evolution explains human origins or does the evidence point to a God who created the universe and everything in it? Can you explain life in the universe without God? If there is a God, can you prove His existence?
There is a very real God. The prophetic events prophesied in the Bible are all finally coming together. You need to know that a very REAL God exists! You need to talk to Him, to walk with Him and to pray to Him to get His help in the perilous years just ahead. There really is enormous power in effective prayer. Do you truly know how to pray to the real God - the God of the Bible? Do you know how to get answers?