We live in a world of dangers, stress, fears and frustration. According to TIME magazine, 19 million Americans are afflicted with anxiety disorders. And there are many additional millions around the world who have phobias and fears. Many of us are just plain frustrated with ourselves or our circumstances. Do you have the faith to overcome your fears and frustrations?
Satan the Devil has deceived the whole world. He uses subtle schemes, tricks and devices to defraud and elude us. In fact, the Bible reveals that Satan is the "god" of this world and that he holds captive those that are willing to be deceived. Are you deceived? If so, can you be freed from his control? Can you actually overcome Satan? Yes you can, with God's help!
We live in a world of challenges, dangers and stress. According to Time Magazine, 19 million Americans are afflicted with anxiety disorder. We all experience stress, sometimes severe stress in our cities, relationships, finances and jobs. Stress can damage or kill you. How can you survive your stress?
What would be the most exciting banner-headline possible for tomorrow morning's newspaper or television news program? What about this headline, "Jesus Christ has returned in power to rule the world!" All over the world people would be astonished. This most awesome event WILL happen soon, probably within the lifetime of many of us. Are you personally preparing for the second coming of Jesus Christ? Do you know when and how it will occur? Do you know the specific events leading right up to Christ's return to this earth?
Religious people all over the world pray to their God or their multiple gods. Some use prayer wheels or prayer flags to send sentiments to the sky. Priests, ministers or rabbis offer invocations at state or national events. Sincere Christians pray personally for others. Is prayer out of date in the 21st century? Does God answer your prayers? You need to know the strategies for effective prayer.