The Bible prophecies reveal a time in the future when there will be a new Millennium - but it will not be the one that was ushered in by the year 2000! God has an awesome future planned for the world, and in this program, the Millennium is explained.
Would you like to live forever? This may sound fantastic, and utterly unbelievable, but God intends to give eternal life to all who will follow His word. Learn more about what God expects you to do to begin understanding and following the path to eternal life.
What exactly is the rapture, and where does this false idea come from? A time is coming when God will intervene in human affairs, but when that time comes, what will become of His true followers? The answer is in the pages of the Bible, and this program explains how to find it.
Deceivers are out to deceive us and cheat us. Liars and con-artists strive to defraud us. But there is a great deceiver whom your Bible calls "Satan, the Devil". Millions of people dabble in the ocult and seek answers from soothsayers and mystics. These dark practices are deceptive. Do you know Satan's schemes and deceptive devices?
Now is the time to get your house in order. Prophetic events are truly speeding up. You need to understand where we are in prophecy and what you should do. This program has some shocking information.