| Tomorrow's World


Sand moving through an hourglass

The Meaning of Life

  • Gerald E. Weston

Your existence has far greater purpose than you may have ever imagined, as revealed through the pages of the Bible.

water being poured into a large bowl for foot washing

The Truth About the Christian Passover

  • Rod McNair

You need to know the profound meaning of the Passover and its vital connection to the lives of Christians today.

A woman praying on a beach by a tree at sunset

The Prayer Connection

  • Adam J. West

When it’s done right, prayer brings benefits that go beyond the brain.

A man wearing bunny ears while rubbing his face in exasperation

Why Easter Is Called Easter

  • Roger Meyer

What does the Lamb of God have to do with a rabbit?

A father, his wife, and their daughter

Different Tools for Different Times

  • Jonathan McNair

As we raise children from infancy to adulthood, we should make sure we are doing so according to godly principles.

a London telephone booth with the Big Ben clock in the background

Manna from the Skies

  • Simon R. D. Roberts

God fed the Israelites manna in the wilderness—what is the true bread of life He offers to His chosen people today?

News text with magnifying glass


  • Editorial Staff

“And what I say to you, I say to all: Watch! ~ Mark 13:37

Presiding Evangelist Gerald E. Weston

Is There a Beast in Your Future?

  • Gerald E. Weston

Many are familiar with the so-called “Beast of Revelation”—but do they know that the Old Testament holds the key to understanding this New Testament prophetic figure?

The canadian flag against a clear blue sky

Confidence in Government

  • Michael Heykoop

Canada’s prime minister is the latest leader to step down. Who can we count on for perfect leadership?

a silhouette of a person gazing up at a vast, star-filled night sky with shooting stars visible in the background

Our Biblically Old Earth

  • Wallace G. Smith

Despite what many assume, God’s word does not teach that planet Earth is just a few thousand years old.

A Bible on a blue background with a speech bubble above it that says "Q & A"

Can There Really Be Love Without Law?

  • Editorial Staff

Learn the truth about how the Ten Commandments were never “done away.”

Dear Tomorrow's World letter in red envelope

Letters to TW

  • Editorial Staff

Tell us what you think!


Strength from Weakness

Opposites form the elements of many biblical lessons: life and death, flesh and spirit, wisdom and foolishness, light and darkness, sin and righteousness, and more. Such is the case with strength and weakness.

Gold and Bible Prophecy

Gold was once a stable backing for many world currencies. A little more than 50 years ago, the U.S. dollar itself was backed by gold and was fixed at a value of about $35 per troy ounce. In 1971, currency inflation, economic competitiveness, and other factors moved then-President Richard Nixon to decouple the U.S. dollar from gold, making the dollar a pure fiat currency. Today, one ounce of gold costs roughly $2,700, and gold is currently at or near its highest value ever in relation to most world currencies.

A New Age of Infectious Diseases

The H5N1 Bird Flu continues to make news. As reported by The Guardian, it has infected birds, cattle, sea lions, and humans. Scientists warn that this strain of bird flu is unique, acting as a “panzootic” disease that has the ability to cross lines between multiple species (January 15, 2025).

Unlocking the Mystery of Revelation

For millennia, the Book of Revelation has captivated the imagination of just about everyone who reads it. Filled with symbolism and prophetic passages, many have tried to understand the mysteries contained in the final book of the Bible. These mysteries can be unlocked by using keys to understand found in scripture.
