| Tomorrow's World

The Leaders We Deserve

A chess piece—specifically, a king

Why are modern democracies not selecting just and God-fearing leaders? Examining the biblical implications of our choices reveals a sobering truth.

Remembering Richard F. Ames

Editor in Chief: Gerald E. Weston

Tomorrow’s World honors the memory of a dedicated evangelist.

The “Thought Police”

You may have seen news stories about “mind reading” becoming technologically possible. What was once science fiction is close to becoming reality. Will doctors, law enforcement, and government agencies, assisted by such technology, soon be able to read and interpret our brain waves? Are “thought police” and mind control in our near future?

Factory Farms Create Many Problems

Today, farmers are under pressure to produce greater and greater amounts of food, due in part to the large number of people who live in cities and are unable to produce their own food. Factory farming or “feedlots” is a common approach to provide meat for such vast populations while maximizing profits. But factory farming creates its own problems. When thousands of animals are forced into small spaces for prolonged periods of time, numerous problems arise.

Ants Tend to Each Other’s Wounds

The author of the book of Proverbs tells us, “Go to the ant, you sluggard! Consider her ways and be wise” (Proverbs 6:6). Indeed, much wisdom can be gleaned from the study of ants.
