| Tomorrow's World


News text with magnifying glass

Mark 13:37 | “And what I say to you, I say to all: Watch!

Who Were the Giants?

David and Goliath illustration

People often wonder about the origins of the mysterious biblical giants, like the Nephilim and the “sons of Anak,” but does scripture really say they were anything more than human beings, after all?

The Wrestling Match That Changed History

Wilderness of Edom sunset

One man’s ancient determination still resonates throughout the modern world. What can you learn from Jacob’s struggle?

Our Abnormal Normal

Father and daughter embrace

In just a few short decades, radical changes have begun to affect our lives and families as never before—and not in good ways. Are you holding out for a future when God’s ways will become the norm?

To-Do and “Ta-Done”

Hand checking to do list boxes

Are you accomplishing the tasks Christ has set for you?
