| Tomorrow's World

Manna from the Skies

a London telephone booth with the Big Ben clock in the background

God fed the Israelites manna in the wilderness—what is the true bread of life He offers to His chosen people today?

The Prayer Connection

A woman praying on a beach by a tree at sunset

When it’s done right, prayer brings benefits that go beyond the brain.

Confidence in Government

The canadian flag against a clear blue sky

Canada’s prime minister is the latest leader to step down. Who can we count on for perfect leadership?

The Meaning of Life

Sand moving through an hourglass

Your existence has far greater purpose than you may have ever imagined, as revealed through the pages of the Bible.

Is There a Beast in Your Future?

Presiding Evangelist Gerald E. Weston

Many are familiar with the so-called “Beast of Revelation”—but do they know that the Old Testament holds the key to understanding this New Testament prophetic figure?
