| Tomorrow's World

Is Europe Moving to the Right?

Many European politicians have long prided themselves on being “centrists”—neither too far to the right nor too far to the left. Those toward the ends of the spectrum have often been viewed as extremists. But this appears to be changing.

Where Children Are Unsafe

In Taiwan, there has been a recent outbreak of adults drugging children (BBC, June 20, 2023). One incident took place in a preschool where the staff are accused of sedating children by giving them phenobarbital and benzodiazepines via addictive cough syrups. Parents noticed their children going through withdrawal and reported the incident. The school has since been closed, and school directors fined. The principal and five teachers were arrested and are now free on bail.

Letters to TW

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Mark 13:37 | “And what I say to you, I say to all: Watch!

The Challenge of Correcting a Child

Happy father, mother and daughter

Love and correction go hand in hand in the struggle to raise good children in an evil and permissive age.
