DNA Sale! | Tomorrow’s World News and Prophecy — May 24, 2024 --> --> --> --> --> --> -->

DNA Sale!

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As the end of the age draws closer, real life seems to blur with science fiction. Today’s realities are becoming scenes out of a dystopian movie or political espionage novel. The last two decades have witnessed monumental advances in the field of genetics. Scientists are learning how to turn genes on and off and how to program organisms in the language of genetics. In their work, some scientists buy and sell the genetic sequences of various bacteria and viruses.

At first glance, this may seem both interesting and exciting, because it might lead to incredible scientific advances. Many presume, given the high potential for danger, that such research is strictly and safely regulated. However, health and medicine news source STAT reports that a research team from the prestigious Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), in cooperation with the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation, tested the effectiveness of current controls by attempting to purchase “gene-length DNA fragments that could be used to generate the 1918 influenza virus, which killed more than 50 million people” (May 8, 2024). The team took minimal steps to mask their identity. They even requested to have genetic material sent to non-laboratory locations. Of 38 providers contacted, 36 shipped the genetic material for the 1918 flu virus. STAT notes, “Only one company detected a hazard and requested proof of biosafety approval.” This experiment demonstrated just how easy it would be for a rogue nation or terrorist group to obtain the genetic material needed to create a devastating bioweapon.

One of the signs of the end of the age is that God will punish the Israelite-descended nations for their rejection of Him. God promises to “appoint terror over you,” including terrifying diseases (Leviticus 26:16). As technology increases, the tools for creating terror become more advanced and more accessible. Will genetics become one of these new tools? To understand where this technology could lead, watch “Prepare for Armageddon.”

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