| Tomorrow's World

A Spirit of Slumber

What is the “spirit of slumber”? Do you have it? Is it good or bad? If it is bad, how do you get rid of it?

The phrase “spirit of slumber” is found in Romans 11:8 (King James Version). The Apostle Paul wrote of his sorrow and grief because the great majority of his people, the Israelites, had stumbled at the stumbling stone—Jesus Christ, whom they did not accept (Romans 9–11). Paul explained that this was because they had not yet submitted to the righteousness of God and God had given them “the spirit of slumber” or “a spirit of stupor.”

Children Are Their Oppressors

“Baseball bat-wielding gangs of children are mugging mothers and nannies on the school run in the latest crime wave to hit San Francisco” (The Telegraph, July 4, 2023). The city experienced 11 robberies amongst moms and nannies in just one week. Police believe it is the same gang of young boys who are “targeting women picking up children from school.” One mom was thrown to the ground by a boy who took her cell phone.

Riots in France

France is once again struggling with civil unrest, spurred this time by the killing of a 17-year-old young man of Algerian descent by police at a traffic stop. During a week of violent rioting, nearly a thousand shops and bank branches were looted or attacked, vehicles and buildings were burned, thousands of protesters were arrested, and hundreds of officers injured. The estimated cost of the rampage could reach $1.1 billion (CNN Business, July 5, 2023).

A Nation Clothed in Pride

Now that June has ended, the so-called “Pride Month,” which celebrates LGBTQI+ behaviors and lifestyles, has concluded in the United States. During “Pride Month,” many facets of our country celebrate pride, as seen in professional sports, government, and military branches, a variety of “pride flags” flown, clothing worn, and more. This year, the White House even hung a large “Progress Pride flag” front and center at a “Pride” celebration on June 10.

2023 August Issue

Earth as seen from the Moon with stars

Planet Earth: Your Inheritance

  • Richard F. Ames (1936-2024)

Jesus Christ said that the meek will inherit the earth. So, what does that mean for those who are looking to heaven?

XXX Neon sign

The Pitfall of Pornography

  • Rod McNair

The dangers of porn threaten entire societies—even though some foolishly call pornography a harmless or even helpful diversion. But you don’t have to be its victim.

Stained glass in magnifying glass

Can You Spot a Counterfeit?

  • Wallace G. Smith

Is the Christianity you know really the true religion found in your Bible? You need to know the truth behind centuries of counterfeit traditions.

Wagner relief

Twilight of the Gods

  • Douglas S. Winnail

Idolatry is one of mankind’s oldest sins against their Creator. What are the false “gods” that people worship today—and where are they leading our world?

Helping hands kindness

More Gentleness, Please

  • Josh Lyons

There is great power in being calm and kind.

News text with magnifying glass


  • Editorial Staff

Mark 13:37 | “And what I say to you, I say to all: Watch!

London cityscape with Big Ben

Measuring Up

  • Simon R. D. Roberts

With God’s help, you can measure up to the most important standard of all.

A personal message from the Editor in Chief

Victims of Our Own Success

  • Gerald E. Weston

Tomorrow’s World will continue preaching the truth in an age of increasing hostility toward even the very mention of God and His laws—but will you be among the few who receive it?

Dandelion seeds

Nature’s Micro Flier

  • Bryan Fall

Birds, bats, and bugs aren’t the only amazing “flying machines” in God’s creation.

Holy Bible image with Q & A speech bubble

Questions and Answers

  • Editorial Staff

In our increasingly vulgar society, our choice of words really does matter to God!

Dear Tomorrow's World letter in red envelope

Letters to the Editor

  • Editorial Staff

Tell us what you think!

