| Tomorrow's World

Temple Mount Flares Up Again

“The chairman of the Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee on Monday hit back at Jordan’s allegations of Israeli misconduct at the Temple Mount, saying Jerusalem will not allow the holy site to become exclusive to Muslims like the Saudi Arabian cities of Mecca and Medina” (Times of Israel, August 15, 2016).

Arming the Beast

In the wake of the Brexit, EU leaders are again calling for a European Army. According to the Czech Prime Minister, “The European Union will need a common army to bolster its security over the long term after the U.K. follows through on its decision to exit the bloc” (Bloomberg, August 22, 2016). Polish MEP Janusz Korwin-Mikke observed “My opinion [is that] Brexit was supported by Mr.

Russia, China, and Japan Develop Closer Relations

“Chinese and Russian forces conducted a first-ever joint amphibious exercise landing 400 marines on Russia’s Pacific Coast… The exercise marks not only the first time People’s Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) and Russian Navy have drilled together in an amphibious exercise but also the first time China has landed troops on foreign territory” (USNI News, August 26, 2015).

The Biblical Holy Days - Part 2

One prophetic theme throughout the Bible is found in the seven annual festivals given to Israel. Christians who observe them today understand that these Holy Days foreshadow future events. Learn what they show is in store for the world and for you!

The Biblical Holy Days - Part 1

Why do most professing Christians forsake the observance of the Holy Days mentioned in their own Bible and substitute holidays that were never celebrated by Jesus Christ or His Apostles? Does it really matter which days we keep? What do God's Holy Days reveal about your future?
