| Tomorrow's World

Questions and Answers

Question: The cross is one of the most recognized Christian symbols in the world, but where did it come from? Did Christ’s disciples use it?

Questions and Answers

Question: Some sources, like Wikipedia, claim there are no links between the Catholic Saint Valentine and Roman fertility practices such as the Lupercalia. Is Valentine's Day a holiday Christians should keep, based on this assertion?

Answer: When researching questions like this one, it is important to examine your sources carefully. For example, if you believe Wikipedia (as of late December 2012), Valentine's Day has no pre-Christian antecedents. However, a closer look at the various sources reveals a different answer.

2016 September-October Issue

How Would Jesus Vote for President?

  • Roderick C. Meredith (1930-2017)

As the United States prepares to select a President, how would our Savior respond? How should we as Christians respond?


The End of the World?

  • Richard F. Ames (1936-2024)

Are we on a path to inevitable catastrophes that will bring our civilization to an end? The prophecies of your Bible have the answer!


Holidays or Horror-Days?

  • Rod McNair

This year, millions of people will observe Halloween, All Saints Day, All Souls Day and the Day of the Dead. Will you?


That Just Happened!

  • Mark Sandor

Biblical prophecy is being fulfilled right before your eyes!


How to Succeed at Anything

  • Jonathan McNair

My memories of life as an infant are a bit foggy, but I do vaguely recall that my parents put a great deal of emphasis on success. One day, they removed all the sharp-edged furniture from my path, lifted me...


The "Norman Apocalypse"

  • Simon R. D. Roberts

Factors beyond human control helped to shape a kingdom's future forever.


Admit the Cause of Problems

  • Roderick C. Meredith (1930-2017)

Our western society is usually willing to admit to the fact that there are many "problems": big city violence, rebellious young people, broken families and confused children. But what we normally do is ...


The Coming of Jesus Christ

  • Douglas S. Winnail

Lists of great leaders who have influenced the course of history usually include names like Hammurabi, Plato, Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar, Queen Victoria, and George Washington. Surprisingly, Jesus...


The National Dream

  • Lawrence Hartshorne

One of the most intriguing and outstanding achievements in Canadian history occurred between 1871 and 1885, within two decades of Canada's confederation in 1867: the construction of the...


Tiny Bird, Big Miracle!

  • Wallace G. Smith

I recall my first real experience with hummingbirds. My wife had hung a hummingbird feeder from a pole behind our house, and after a few days the air itself seemed to be buzzing with the tiny birds. One was...


Questions and Answers

  • Editorial Staff

Can a Christian have an out-of-body experience?


Letters to the Editor

  • Editorial Staff

I've never really been religious. But after watching your show on TV, you ask some good questions, so I'm keeping an open mind till I learn more, and then I will make my choice. Thanks for sparking my...


An Evil Eye

Is the "evil eye" some weird curse, or is it an attitude that we should strive to overcome? How do you look on those less fortunate than you?

A Healthy Dose of Spirituality?

How far will you go to get healthy? Maybe the best medicine isn’t the kind you get from a doctor or a vitamin store.
