Why do most professing Christians forsake the observance of the Holy Days mentioned in their own Bible and substitute holidays that were never celebrated by Jesus Christ or His Apostles? Does it really matter which days we keep? What do God's Holy Days reveal about your future?
Why are so many in our modern world unable to find lasting happiness? Do you realize that there are causes for happiness as well as definable reasons why people are unhappy? Many seek happiness in material possessions, but King Solomon described this as vanity as nothing we accumulate will last forever. Learn the biblical secrets to true, lasting happiness.
Wise individuals prepare for the future, yet many have not given any thought to what might occur after death and how they can prepare for a better future. Have you made such plans? The bible describes the tremendous opportunity available for those willing to prepare now to reach their ultimate destiny!
Do some of the decisions made by our leaders leave you feeling befuddled and confused? We may think to ourselves, “How could any rational human being come to such strange conclusions and make such decisions?”
We have leaders at many different levels, whether our nations, states, local communities, companies where we work, our schools, or other organized bodies of which we are a member.
The church auditorium was full of friends and relatives that had come to pay respects and to comfort the grieving family. A dear lady had died of an illness that was unresponsive to treatment. She was beloved mother and grandmother as well as a staunch supporter of her husband in a successful family business. She was not young, but not old either and her loss was keenly felt by all who knew her.