“Everyone knows you should never go to sleep on an argument, but a new study suggests the old adage might be just as important for a person’s health as [for] their relationship” (Telegraph, August 17, 2016).
Failing governments are major contributors to suffering on a global scale. “Venezuela continues to be embroiled in an economic crisis that has included food shortages.... Inflation is at 700 percent, the country continues to be in a recession and ‘basic food and medicine are in severely short supply’… Venezuelans spend their days queueing for hours at supermarkets, but often go home empty-handed” (US News and World Report, September 2, 2016).
According to a recent report, “the day is fast approaching when the Palestinian Authority [PA] we have known for the past 22 years will cease to exist. PA leader Mahmoud Abbas’s US-trained Palestinian security forces have lost control over the Palestinian cities in Judea and Samaria. His EU- and US-funded bureaucracies are about to lose control over the local governments to Hamas. And his Fatah militias have turned against him” (Jewish Worldview, August 31, 2016).
Wars, political strife and economic crises have become part of everyday life. Where is it all headed? Discover six biblical predictions used as signs to discern the importance of the times we are living in.
Zika virus was initially thought to be a risk only for those of childbearing age, and only within a few months of infection. The mosquito-borne Zika causes children to be born with abnormally small brains. Scientists recently discovered Zika can be transmitted sexually—not just by mosquitos (CDC.gov).