Michael Heykoop | Tomorrow's World

Michael Heykoop

Confidence in Government

The canadian flag against a clear blue sky

Canada’s prime minister is the latest leader to step down. Who can we count on for perfect leadership?

The Coming Wars for the Middle East

The Middle East is in constant turmoil. Will Iran, Turkey or Saudi Arabia come to control this important region? The Bible predicts two future wars for control of the Middle East.

The Disappearance of the Family

Canadian soldiers standing at attention

Amidst dramatic shifts in Canadian household structures, declining fertility, and growing indifference to marriage, is there a place for biblical families in today’s world?

The Value of Family

While many seem excited about replacing the so-called outdated and obsolete family structure with a grab-bag of countless options, the real questions are far too frequently brushed aside. Yes, society’s view of family is changing. At what cost? At what cost to the individuals immediately affected, especially children? And at what cost to humanity as a whole while we try to retain society while removing one of its core foundations—the family?

Religion in Decline

What are the religious beliefs of Canadians and how are they changing from previous generations? The decline of religion is a favourite topic of many. Some see it as a sign of turbulent times and mourn the loss; while others view it as a monumental step forward, a necessary separation from an unpleasant past. What does it really mean for our nation.

