2018 November-December
There is much debate today about whether official monuments to flawed historical figures should be maintained. Could there be any unforeseen cost of their removal?
2018 May-June
What does it reveal about our society when “religion” has become a “dirty word,” even among the religious?
Current Air Date 23rd January 2020
Could you design the perfect economy? What do you think the ideal system looks like? You don’t need an economics degree to look around and recognize that something isn’t working. Throughout history, many different systems have been tried. From feudalism to socialism, communism to capitalism, yet none has succeeded in providing a lasting, balanced economy. They all contain the same fatal flaw. Each one overlooks a basic trait of human nature. It’s unlikely that any nation will change its economic policies based on this program.
2017 September-October
While our society claims to be making progress toward a more peaceful spirit, the popularity of “Ultimate Fighting” and similar bloody sports gives evidence to the contrary.