Mankind desires to venture out into space! But will we seek to take peace to the stars or warfare? And what does Bible prophecy reveal about a coming war in the heavens? You need to know!
This special series on the truth behind the Protestant Reformation continues! In this installment we see many of the motivations—including political and financial—for religious revolution.
Over the last week, “60,000 Turkana pastoralists and 127,000 livestock have moved [from northwest Kenya] to Uganda’s Karamjoa sub-region” in search of vegetation for their livestock (Deutsche Welle, April 18, 2017). “The end of March was supposed to bring rains to Turkana, transforming barren plains into pasture. It still hasn’t happened.
In barely half a year, there have been terrorist attacks in London (March), Paris (February), Berlin (December), Hamburg (October), and last week in Stockholm. In 2016, terrorist attacks in Europe claimed the lives of 150 people (USA Today, April 7, 2017).