| Tomorrow's World

Nothing Is Too Hard

The very young often encounter things that are too hard for them. Within just a few years, however, a young person at the peak of his or her mental and physical capacities can feel that nothing is too hard—but all too quickly we learn of our limitations.

I'm sure that most of us have experienced that feeling of invincibility during our youth. But life goes by quickly and our physical prowess fades. Professional athletes begin to wane, and the end of their athletic careers comes into view as their bodies age.

The End of the Beginning

Each year during the Passover season, God’s teachings encourage His people to take a look back. But there is more to life than one’s past experiences. So, what does God expect Christians to look at and apply to future experiences?

Fake News

We hear a lot about “fake news” these days, which term calls into question the integrity and veracity of what is being reported. Consumers of news media are finding it hard to trust any reports.

Thorns and Thistles

Most people try to avoid prickly situations. You know, those awkward, uncomfortable moments when one says or does the wrong thing, which is embarrassing for all concerned. The customs and procedures most people consider “good manners” resulted from the need to have standards of social conduct that govern courteous, considerate human interaction.

Why is it Called Easter?

When I was five or six years old, I asked my mother, “Why is Easter called Easter?” It was a full ten years later when I finally understood the real answer to my question.

My mother struggled in trying to explain why Easter was so named. Mother was religious, but she is not the only religious person to struggle with the answer to this question.

The Catholic Encyclopedia admits that the word Easter “relates to Estre, a Teutonic goddess of the rising light of day and spring….” Well, finding that out was shocking! This holiday is named for a pagan goddess.
