“Make America great again”—it was Mr. Donald Trump’s campaign promise as candidate, and now has become his mission as President. The first 100 days of a U.S. presidency are often the benchmark used to measure and predict the success—or, perhaps in some cases, lack thereof—of the executive who holds the United States’ highest office. The question remains: Can America be great again?
See for yourself five clearly stated predictions that are either already being fulfilled, or are unfolding before your very eyes. See what the Bible predicts for our day and beyond. There is hope for you and your family, beyond the troubles and turmoil of today.
Will mankind venture beyond Earth to find new possibilities and opportunities? Will military ambitions produce dangers in the heavens? Do aliens exist? Your Bible reveals a dramatic future war in space, and a great hope for all humanity beyond that time!
Does Jesus want His followers to ignore prophecy, when He HIMSELF is the one inspiring it? This program explores four purposes of Bible prophecy, explains how Christians can understand Bible prophecy, and how we can grow closer to our relationship with God and Jesus Christ.
Charles Darwin changed how people view their lives and the world in general. But is evolution a proven fact? Did we come from a common primate ancestor? Are all scientists in agreement on this? A brief look at the pronuba moth or how our bodies use proteins pose challenges to the theory of evolution that evolution can’t answer.