| Tomorrow's World

Winds of Change in Germany and Europe

Following Donald Trump’s recent visit to Europe and his choice not to re-commit to NATO Article 5 (which states that if one member of NATO is attacked, the others will come to its support), German Chancellor Angela Merkel observed, “The times in which we can fully count on others are somewhat over, as I have experienced in the past few days” (EU Observer, May 29, 2017).

Questions Evolution Cannot Answer

Does the theory of evolution explain the origin of the amazing variety of life on Earth? Can it account for the intricate processes in the molecular realm of DNA and RNA? Even scientists acknowledge that there are many questions evolution cannot answer. Amazingly, despite the disbelief of atheists and skeptics, your Bible does have the answers!

Overcoming Stress

It seems that every year, we face new stresses because of natural disasters and man-made crises. War, crime, economic turmoil and other troubles challenge us at every turn. In this time of growing world tensions, can we face the future with faith? And can we overcome stress? You need the answer!

Why Does God Allow Suffering?

Many people want to know, if God exists, why is there so much pain and suffering in the world? If God is love, why does He allow war and suffering? Does God truly care for and have a plan for all who have ever lived and died? These are common questions. Discover the Bible’s clear answers on this important topic.

Your Glorious Destiny Beyond Death

When you die, will you go straight to heavenly bliss or eternal torment in literal hellfire? What about your "unsaved" relatives, who may never even have heard true Christianity preached? You do not need to fear—God has a wonderful, fair and loving plan to give everyone a chance!
