Ten years have passed since the 2008 financial crisis, and most Americans are now pleased with the direction of their nation’s economy. Unemployment is down and the stock market is up! Most news outlets are primarily concerned not with arguing about the strength of the economy, but with making sure that their party or president gets credit for it. They excel at claiming good headlines as feathers in the caps of either former President Barack Obama or sitting President Donald Trump, but fail to ask harder, more relevant questions.
“Scotland will become the first country in the world to embed the teaching of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex rights in the school curriculum” (The Guardian, November 9, 2018). “State schools will be required to teach pupils about the history of LGBTI equalities and movements, as well as tackling homophobia and transphobia and exploring LGBTI identity….
After years of independent comments by EU leaders calling for a European Army, and following “pressure” from U.S. President Donald Trump for Europe to increase defense spending, European leaders now appear ready to act. According to the EU Observer, “German chancellor Angela Merkel on Tuesday backed the idea of creating a ‘real, true’ army for the European Union,” supporting an earlier call by Emmanuel Macron of France.
Jerusalem! Few other words can elicit feelings of hope and peace, and at the same time sentiments of sorrow and heartbreak, or in some cases, anger, vengeance and division. Strange, as the word itself literally means "City of Peace." Why does Jerusalem still impact the affairs and emotions of peoples around the world? And what is in store for its future?
Technology is wonderful! Consider the dramatic changes that have taken place over the last half century. Social Media in particular has drastically altered the way we communicate and relate to one another. But is there another side to these technologies? Some say there is. You may be surprised to know what is being revealed about Social Media, and just as importantly, who it is that is sounding the warning!