| Tomorrow's World

Whose Birthday is It?

Come December 25, someone gets a birthday party! But it isn’t who most people think, as they prepare once again to celebrate Christmas. Along with Easter, Christmas is one of the most recognized holidays on the calendar. Professing Christians worldwide look to its various traditions for warmth, comfort, and inspiration. But, did the first Christians actually celebrate it? Was a Jesus Christ birthday festival—no matter the date—based upon true Christian belief?

Huge Animal Population Decline

The latest report from the World Wildlife Federation (WWF) contains shocking figures about accelerating species declines from 1970 to 2014.

EU Approves “Brexit” Plan

On Sunday, the 27 members of the EU unanimously approved the “Brexit” plan presented to them by British Prime Minister Theresa May and her team, despite a last-minute attempt by Spain to stir up the Gibraltar debate (BBC, November 25, 2018). Britain is now one step closer to “peacefully” exiting the EU on March 29, 2019. The plan, referred to by European leaders as “the best and only deal possible,” will now be reviewed by the UK parliament and voted on in December.

Benefits of Being Thankful

A number of nations around the world celebrate a Thanksgiving holiday. Yet, the central element of “giving thanks” is frequently overshadowed by the self-centered commercialism associated with Halloween and Christmas. In the United States, even before the shopping madness of  America’s “Black Friday” (the day after Thanksgiving in the U.S. and one of the busiest shopping days of the year), retailers are already busy promoting items for Christmas.

Drowning in Debt Nation

The United States, like many other nations, is facing an ever-growing mountain of national debt. The interest paid on the U.S. national debt is on pace to even exceed military spending in the years ahead (Wall Street Journal, November 11, 2018).
