| Tomorrow's World

Why Is This Message Left Out?

Why Is This Message Left Out?

Many claim to preach the same message Jesus Christ preached. Why then are they ignoring the very heart of His message—when the world needs it more than ever?

Has Science Discovered the Creator?

Has Science Discovered the Creator?

Increasingly, scientists seem to uncover evidence that our universe is not an accident of nature but, rather, was designed. Why isn’t this conclusion embraced?

The Powerful Privilege of Prayer!

There is a privilege far more valuable than riches, fame, and power, that provides insight into the very purpose of life. That special privilege and freedom is to talk with the Ruler of the Universe. Your Bible reveals the keys to answered prayer. The God of heaven is offering you awesome benefits and blessings. You need to know how you can have those blessings free of charge, through the powerful privilege of prayer.

Temple Activists Dedicate an Altar

During a small ceremony on December 10, the last day of the Jewish Hanukkah festival, temple activists dedicated a portable altar just outside the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. The dedication ceremony involved priests in traditional dress and a slaughtered lamb as an offering, although the sheep was slaughtered off-site.

Missiles Fuel Rising Tensions

As the United States moves forward with plans to exit from the INF arms control treaty with Russia and also discusses placing more missiles in Europe, Russian leaders are voicing growing concerns. Recently, the Russian ambassador to the EU warned that “the US risks triggering ‘dramatic events’ if it stations missiles in Europe” (Financial Times, November 21, 2018).
