| Tomorrow's World

Saudi Arabia’s Ballistic Missile Project

Experts believe Saudi Arabia is testing and possibly manufacturing ballistic missiles at a military base deep within the country’s borders (Times of Israel, January 26, 2019). “The November satellite images show what appear to be structures big enough to build and fuel ballistic missiles.

The Biblical Holy Days, Part 1

Why do most professing Christians observe holidays that were never kept by Jesus and His Apostles, that are steeped in pagan traditions; and at the same time, forsake the observance of the Holy Days found in the Bible and that Jesus kept?  Does it matter which days we observe as long as we get time off work, go to parties, and enjoy wonderful meals with family and friends? The answer is simple.  It does matter! 

Does Marriage Matter?

Few aspects of life have undergone more change in both perception and behavior in recent decades than the institution of marriage. Behaviors that were once considered shameful are now considered normal. Isn't it time we ask: Is the direction we chose working? Has our new morality, or better yet, lack of morality, left us better or worse?  Is it not time to re-evaluate? Does marriage matter?

2019 March-April Issue

The Devil’s Deadly Deceptions

The Devil’s Deadly Deceptions

  • Richard F. Ames (1936-2024)

Satan is the most deceptive being in the universe. Most of the world is under his sway! How can you recognize his lies and escape them?

Why Observe Easter? The Hunt for the Truth

Why Observe Easter? The Hunt for the Truth

  • Gerald E. Weston

Millions all over the world claim to observe the resurrection of Jesus Christ on Easter. But does this holiday truly honor the Son of God? You need to know the truth.

What Is the Draw of Sharia Law?

What Is the Draw of Sharia Law?

  • Dexter B. Wakefield

Though it is often described as strict and harsh, many Muslims all over the world are choosing Sharia law. Why? Their motivations may surprise you.

Answering the Great Question

Answering the Great Question

  • Brian Pomicter

It’s the question of our lives. But where can we find the answer?

There is a natural curiosity that young children possess. They look upon scenic environments with wonder, awed by...

A Meditation on Bread and Empty Shelves

A Meditation on Bread and Empty Shelves

  • J. Davy Crockett III

Only one kind of bread never runs out.

Expert Advice for Parents

Expert Advice for Parents

  • Jonathan McNair

In 2017, author Tom Nichols published a book titled The Death of Expertise: The Campaign Against Established Knowledge and Why It Matters. Nichols makes the case that we are experiencing “the...

NATO: Guardian of Peace?

NATO: Guardian of Peace?

  • Simon R. D. Roberts

For 70 years, NATO has been a key player in efforts to establish world peace. Yet our global problems remain. Will we ever achieve peace?


Pieces of the Prophetic Puzzle in Europe?

  • Gerald E. Weston

Brits were fed up with Brussels telling them which cucumbers met European Union beauty standards and could therefore be sold in market. That was minor compared to fishing quotas placed on waters the British...

The Coming Clash of Civilizations

The Coming Clash of Civilizations

  • Douglas S. Winnail

Western nations have dominated much of the world for nearly five centuries. During this era, European nations—and later, the United States—gained power and spread the influence of Western civilization over...

The Great Intendant

The Great Intendant

  • Stuart Wachowicz

In the history of every successful nation, company, or team, there is at some point a person who provides groundbreaking leadership, making the difference between success and failure and...

Our Moon: Faithful Witness in the Sky

Our Moon: Faithful Witness in the Sky

  • Wallace G. Smith

It is easy to take the moon for granted. However, life on earth would not be the same without it—in fact, life might not be possible at all!


Questions and Answers

  • Editorial Staff

Can Christians eat anything they want?

Question: Jesus said, “Do you not perceive that whatever enters a man from outside cannot defile him, because it does not enter his heart but...

Letters to the Editor

Letters to the Editor

  • Editorial Staff

Gerald Weston’s “Tame the Social Media Monster” [in the March-April 2018 issue] are my sentiments to the letter! As an...


A Profitable Day

It is quite common today to say “Have a nice day!” when we take our leave of someone. It creates a very encouraging and positive effect. This expression has been around for quite some time, but never seems to get old. It simply means, “I hope you have a profitable day,” and I believe that most people sincerely mean it. It is not just a casual, trivial expression.
