| Tomorrow's World

What is Your Fortune and Future?

How can you know the future, particularly your own personal future? Will you find your fortune? Can you look into the future and find out? Is your future already determined?

Many people resort to astrology to try to find out whether the stars, planets, and moon are aligned to bring fortune in their future, whether this or that decision will bring success, or whether they will meet Mister or Miss “Right.”


The Declaration of Independence, written in Philadelphia in 1776 after months of debate and negotiation, contains a beautiful statement of principle. It was “heard around the world” and it continues to resonate with people today. “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” It is an uplifting concept—recognizing, of course, shared equality in the eyes of the law and before our Creator.

Halloween Creep

My family just moved into a new house. It has been an exciting and hectic few weeks. You probably know the feeling. The excitement of a new home and a new neighborhood was dampened, however, when we found out that there were ghosts—more than one actually, along with a resident witch, and even a werewolf. All joking aside, of course, there aren’t any real ghosts or monsters, but you’ve probably guessed it by now—Halloween decorations.

Bee Die-off in the Amazon

The Guardian reported dire news from Brazil, noting that beekeepers have lost over half a billion honeybees in only three months (August 29, 2019). For many, the die-off brings to mind colony collapse. However, the standard symptoms of colony collapse are not evident with the Brazilian die-off. Normally with colony collapse, bees just disappear from their hives.

U.S. Decline Could Be Sudden!

Many people in America and abroad see the country’s moral and political decline. The U.S. president at least partially acknowledged this fact with his “Make America Great Again” slogan—you do not need to become “great again” if you are already great or unless you see the country in decline. This catchy slogan looks back to what many view as a better time.
