| Tomorrow's World

5G—Revolution or Catastrophe?

5G—Revolution or Catastrophe?

Have you heard about 5G? If you have, do you understand what it involves and what it might mean for you and your family? If you use a smartphone—and even if you do not—you should be concerned, because it’s quite likely 5G will be coming to where you live in the near future. There is increasing excitement about what it will make possible. However, there are also grave concerns about how it will impact our collective health, the environment, and cybersecurity. Will it be revolutionary—or a planetary catastrophe?

Canada Repudiates Its Legal Foundation

Canada Repudiates Its Legal Foundation

Many take issue with the presence of biblical principles in public matters. Yet the Bible has long been a fundamental part of our legal systems.

Wars and Rumors of Wars

Wars and Rumors of Wars

Violence is the norm, not the exception.

Wars and rumors of wars. One cannot peruse the history of man without reading about endless conflicts, tribal massacres, and nations at war. Century after century, nations and empires arise and then cease to exist, often with war providing both the source of their creation and the cause of their demise. The aftereffects linger for decades: hundreds of thousands of orphaned children, widowed women left homeless, crippled bodies of survivors, devastated infrastructure, and enduring economic ruin.

The Treaty of Versailles: Examining a Legacy

The Treaty of Versailles: Examining a Legacy

A century ago, the Treaty of Versailles ended World War I. While historians debate the treaty’s legacy, what is the true significance of the outcome?

Surviving—and Thriving—in Times of Stress

Surviving—and Thriving—in Times of Stress

 Studies consistently show that our world is becoming more stressful. The Bible provides principles that can help us not only cope with stress but grow from it!
