| Tomorrow's World

Britain’s Getting a New Prime Minister

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson recently resigned as the Conservative Party head and informed Parliament he would step down as prime minister once a new party head takes over. In his nearly three-year term, Mr. Johnson is credited by many with moving Brexit along through the British Parliament and leading the Conservative Party to a landslide election in 2019. His resignation follows a host of resignations from governmental ministers in his own party—ministers who resigned not over political issues, but issues of character and trust.

Three Prophecies of Daniel Explained!

While some of the prophecies recorded in Daniel have already been fulfilled, many also stretch into a time yet ahead. These prophecies have been the subject of much speculation, but you can know what they reveal about the future of present-day nations. This video explains the meaning of three end-time prophecies from the book of Daniel.

The Wisdom of Mankind

We have launched humans into space and safely landed rovers on Mars. We fly from one side of the earth to the other in hours, and we communicate nearly instantaneously by video between points anywhere in the world. Technology advances daily, and now we drive battery-powered vehicles hundreds of miles on a single charge. Is there any end to what mankind can achieve and invent (Genesis 11:6)? Yet, each brilliant advance seems to create another disappointing setback.

Egypt and Saudi Arabia Draw Closer

In late June, the leaders of Saudi Arabia and Egypt met and signed a series of agreements worth over $7.7 billion (Reuters, June 21, 2022). The 14 different agreements involved a wide range of economic sectors, including food and agriculture, power and energy, oil, and pharmaceuticals. The agreements are far-reaching and will tie the two nations together in multiple areas of their economies.

2022 August Issue

Pill grenade filled with opiates or drugs

Dying to Get High

  • Wallace G. Smith

The global drug crisis, powered with new intensity by synthetic opioids, is ravaging our world, and the toll in deaths and shattered lives continues to rise. Efforts to stop it are floundering—and often...

Man holding a Bible praying intently in an outdoor setting

Seven Keys for Bible Study

  • Richard F. Ames (1936-2024)

It’s the most important book you could ever read—but how should you read it?

Sun seal for Sunday worship as mark of the beast

Will You Take the Mark of the Beast?

  • Rod McNair

Will the mysterious “mark of the beast” mentioned in Revelation find its way into your life? What if it already has?

Social influence concept with connected blocks overlaying a Bible

Social Influence and God’s Wisdom

  • Jonathan McNair

Can people really “self-regulate”?

Bright sunny day over the ocean

The Future is Brighter Than You Can Imagine

  • Josh Lyons

We’re still holding out for a hero.

Britain’s Platinum Queen

Britain’s Platinum Queen

  • Simon R. D. Roberts

After more than 70 years on the throne of England, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II died on September 8, 2022, only hours after the public announcement that doctors were concerned about her decline in health...



  • Editorial Staff

Mark 13:37 | “And what I say to you, I say to all: Watch!

A personal message from the Editor in Chief

Generational Arrogance

  • Gerald E. Weston

Has society really progressed? Or, as our collective moral compass goes haywire, is tolerance for sin the only thing that has grown?

Woman taking notes with a Bible

Programmed to Seek

  • Bryan Fall

What are you searching for most?

Bible open on a bluish white table and background

Does the Bible Give Contradictory Accounts of Judas Iscariot’s Death?

  • Editorial Staff

You've got questions, the Bible has answers.

Letters to TW

Letters to TW

  • Editorial Staff

Tell us what you think!

