| Tomorrow's World

The Fracturing of Europe

In recent years France and Italy have worked closely in a “Franco-Italian axis,” founded primarily on the close personal relationship between France’s president Emmanuel Macron and Italy’s former prime minister Mario Draghi (Politico, October 27, 2022). Now, with Italy’s new prime minister Giorgia Meloni—historically anti-French in her positions—the Franco-Italian axis is being threatened.

Britain's Leadership Vacuum

Less than two months ago, Boris Johnson stepped down as Britain’s prime minister, shrouded in an atmosphere of scandal. In his place, Liz Truss rose as the leader of the Conservative party. Now, after the shortest tenure of any prime minister—just 44 days—Ms. Truss has stepped down, having lost the confidence of her own party.

“Africa’s Next World War” in Ethiopia

While much of the world is focused on the fighting in Ukraine, there are serious conflicts elsewhere—such as Africa. According to the Telegraph, “Ethiopian federal forces, Eritrean soldiers and allied ethnic militias have been battling Tigrayan rebels in a desperate infantry war on four fronts across the Tigray region’s mountainous terrain since a fragile ceasefire shattered in late August” (October 3, 2022).

The Real Spirit of Hallowe’en

The “Day of the Dead” is looming, with all the macabre symbolism of the season. I usually enjoy my daily walk through my residential neighborhood, but in the past few days the scene has changed as giant spiderwebs and partially buried skeletons appear on manicured lawns. Leering skulls with lighted eye sockets peer from simulated graveyards, and a variety of monsters in various stages of decay, some with creepy sound effects, set the tone for the October 31 celebration of “Hallowe’en.”

Nothing “Hallowed” About Halloween

The word “hallowed” means made holy or consecrated. There is nothing hallowed in the celebration of Halloween.

Like some other holidays that originated in paganism but are celebrated by “Christian” churches today—albeit with new names—Halloween also marched right out of pagan religious practices and into mainstream religion. New labels were applied to centuries-old trappings, traditions, and celebrations from the pagan world, and these practices continued to be observed on or around the same time of the year.
