| Tomorrow's World

Rage over Roe v. Wade

In January 1973, the Supreme Court of the United States ruled that all women in the nation had a constitutional right to abortion. This decision made previous state-level abortion bans illegal and stood for just over 49 years. On Friday, June 24, the Supreme Court reversed that decision and removed such nationwide protections for abortion. This ruling does not make abortion illegal in the U.S. It simply removes federal protections for abortion and instead allows individual states to decide whether or not mothers have the right to terminate the life of their unborn child.

Has Diversity Gone Too Far?

Editor in Chief: Gerald E. Weston

Where has the undiscerning push for “diversity” led us? How far will modern society’s morals fall before God intervenes to save us—from ourselves?

Letters to TW

Letters to TW

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Mark 13:37 | “And what I say to you, I say to all: Watch!

Questions and Answers

Questions and Answers

Does Jesus really command Christians to hate their families?
