| Tomorrow's World

Dying to Get High

Pill grenade filled with opiates or drugs

The global drug crisis, powered with new intensity by synthetic opioids, is ravaging our world, and the toll in deaths and shattered lives continues to rise. Efforts to stop it are floundering—and often making things worse. As governments fail in their efforts to halt the unfolding tragedy, what does our Creator offer that can make a difference?

Generational Arrogance

A personal message from the Editor in Chief

Has society really progressed? Or, as our collective moral compass goes haywire, is tolerance for sin the only thing that has grown?

When Currencies Die, So Do Nations

Pakistan’s rupee may be in its death throes. What was once a strong currency has been falling against the U.S. dollar for years and is performing poorly among a large group of peer nations, a drop intensified by the recent rise of the U.S. dollar and internal political strife (Jerusalem Post, July 25, 2022).

Britain’s Continued Decline

Britain has long had a strong global presence through its embassies and consulates. These diplomatic offices scattered all over the world have enabled the UK to influence and even direct the affairs of many nations.

Global Recession Coming?

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) warns that the world is at increased risk of a recession in the coming year (The Guardian, July 13, 2022). Inflation rates in nations around the globe are increasing, and world governments are increasing interest rates in response. The crisis in Ukraine as well as China’s repeated COVID-19 lockdowns have greatly impacted global commerce.
