| Tomorrow's World

Good Counsel vs. Bad Counsel

Many people know the value of good counsel. Businesses hire consulting firms with good credentials and reputations to advise them in many areas, including financial, technical, and legal matters. Without that wise counsel, their businesses could suffer significant losses or even failure. National leaders should also seek sound counsel for the good of their nations.

More Benefits of Breastfeeding

Breastfeeding has long-been recognized as the healthiest option for feeding newborns and infants. Recent studies showing the benefits of breastfeeding have continued to validate this divinely designed method for feeding babies. In the past, many of the benefits of breastfeeding were attributed to the fact that most breastfed babies come from families with higher income and higher levels of education.

Global Nuclear Build-Up

Not long ago, there was a push for nuclear disarmament among the nations of the world. However, the atmosphere has changed dramatically. In the years just ahead, the global nuclear arsenal is expected to grow for the first time since the Cold War (The Guardian, June 13, 2022). This build-up includes developed nations like the United Kingdom and France, and not just rogue nations like North Korea and Iran.

Who Was the Old Testament God?

Volumes in bookstores and libraries and online sources claim to reveal just Who Jesus was, where He came from, and His relationship to the God of the Old Testament. Yet they contain little that is really definitive, and are generally contradictory to each other, especially to the Bible they claim to believe

Is a “Middle East NATO” Coming?

Is it possible that Arab nations of the Middle East could create a military alliance? Until recently, this idea would have been ludicrous to many, given the centuries of infighting among these nations. But today, this possibility is far more likely to become a reality. Recently, Jordan’s king “made headlines when he told journalists that he would support a military alliance in the Middle East that was similar to NATO” (Deutsche Welle, June 30, 2022).
