| Tomorrow's World

The tomb of Jesus?

Have you seen "The Tomb of Jesus," a Discovery Channel presentation brought to us by filmmakers James Cameron (of Titanic fame) and Simcha Jacobovici? If not, it is only a matter of time before you hear about it – such is the way with society's current fascination with the "DaVinci Code" spirit of "creative history."

Confusion in America and Britain

It has become apparent from the news networks that there is confusion and disagreement about where United States and British policy is leading in Iraq, Iran, North Korea and other world trouble spots.

Wild animals a threat to U. S. children

A man I know belonged to a hunting club in a remote area of Alabama where large coyotes were preying on some of the game animals. These were much larger than western coyotes and were not as shy around humans.

Is Germany making a "right turn"?

During a time when Germany finds itself inching into the global spotlight as the leading nation of the European Union, its population is beginning to experience an interesting shift in its sentiments about who should have power and how that power should be wielded.

Five Minutes to Midnight

"Midnight," according to the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, represents global disaster—"the figurative end of civilization". On January 17, 2007, the Bulletin moved the clock from seven minutes (last set in 2002) to five minutes to midnight!
