| Tomorrow's World

Minneapolis bridge collapse

Last night I was watching a baseball game on television and decided at 9 pm to quickly turn to Larry King Live on CNN to see who his guests would be for the show. Instead of Larry I found Wolf Blitzer delivering a breaking news story about a disaster in Minnesota.

National Amnesia

Once the nation of the United States of America was established, what role did religion play in the years following? Was there a wall of separation between religion and the state? Many believe that the Founding Fathers delivered the nation from the influence of religion and the Bible. Let us examine the facts.

And the lady said...

Recently, I attended a funeral in another state. Every effort was made by the minister to assure the family that the deceased was a special person who was now with Jesus, looking down from Heaven.

God strikes the British for their sins?

Throughout the 19th and early 20th centuries the British were recognized as being basically moral and God-fearing. British civil servants were known to be fair minded, good and decent people in such far flung areas as India, East Africa, the Caribbean and other colonial outposts.

Europe a step closer to reviving the Holy Roman Empire!

For almost 1500 years an idea has gripped the hearts and minds of European leaders such as Charlemagne, the Hapsburgs, Napoleon, even Hitler and Mussolini.
