| Tomorrow's World

What, me worry?

Remember the old MAD Magazine character, Alfred E. Neuman, whose line was "What, me worry?" It was a humorous spoof making light of the need to worry about anything. Worry is a mental exercise that all of us engage in, though some more than others. It doesn't produce anything. It uses up valuable time and resources, and it doesn't give us joy or peace of mind.

Thank God and Haiti – if you feel blessed to be an American!

Recently I watched a program on PBS about Voodoo and Zombies in Haiti. Many people have heard of Haiti. Unfortunately, most have never heard of the pivotal role Haiti played in America's rise to greatness.

The bees are still dying: prepare now – FOR FAMINE!

The honeybees are still hanging on inside the wall of our old farmhouse. I pray they will survive. But if the trend continues, they will all soon be dead, and all or most of their kind will be no more.

Has the weather gone haywire?

An EF-5 tornado barreled through Greensburg, Kansas on the night of May 4, 2007. The super cell cut a path 1.5 miles wide, totally destroying the town and killing ten people (Wikipedia, May 17, 2007).

A drastic turn of events is set to occur

For years we in this work have been warning of a coming reunited and remilitarized Europe. Events have now brought us closer at last to the dream of so many Europeans – an end time revival of the mighty Holy Roman Empire – and, as one American businessman I know has said: "You can bet the Europeans are not uniting Europe for the benefit of the United States!"
