| Tomorrow's World

Without a moral compass - or just dull of hearing?

America remains at the center of an economic and moral meltdown.  As we have long warned, our moral meltdown will cause our economic meltdown, and without real repentance our sins will ultimately contribute to our prophesied destruction.  Even well known "Wall-Street insiders" are now beginning to make this connection!  When famous hedge fund manager Michael Steinhardt spoke at the Reuters Investment Outlook Summit, his condemnation of a nation without a "moral compass" was scathing and largely accurate.

What is ahead for the world's cities?

In 2008, an epochal event passed mostly unnoticed.  For the first time in history, more than 50% of humanity now lives in cities.  What are some issues and some predictions for our growing cities, and for civilization as a whole?

A chicken in every pot?

Eighty years ago, President Herbert Hoover famously promised, "A chicken in every pot and a car in every garage" if elected.  On the 80th anniversary of that promise, what is our ability to fulfill that pledge for the average American?

If only more Americans still thought this way

An item caught my eye in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch's front page on December 5th.  It was an article on Iraqis and Afghans who have recently moved to the United States.  While some have faced hardship here, they love their adopted country.  (For all America's faults – and perhaps because of some of them – it is still a country that many dream of coming to.)

The power to change

President Elect Barack Obama campaigned on the platform of change.  Throughout the year he spoke at hundreds of rallies across the country, promoting his ideas for a better tomorrow and launching his goals for change to the American people.
