| Tomorrow's World

God and the foundation of science

Science has discovered so many amazing things about our universe! A National Geographic article (March 2007), for instance, discussed the work of astrophysicist Adam Burrows which suggests that intense sound waves are the key ingredient behind supernovas, the massive explosions that destroy dying stars.

In fact, the computer models indicate that an exploding star would generate an audible tone to anyone foolishly close enough to hear it. According to the magazine it would be "roughly the F note above middle C."

Had a vacation lately? Take a few days

As we opened the car door, the invigorating smell of mountain air filled our lungs. The sun was already setting behind the peak and the chill of night was beginning to envelope the cabin. A warm fire was in order for this, our first night away from the pressures of the everyday routine in quite a while. We needed this!

A subtle upgrade for "human embryos"

The English language is a marvelous instrument in the hands of an expert wordsmith. It is capable of tremendous subtlety, and over the centuries the lives of countless men and women have been affected in numerous ways by the manner in which its vast collection of words have been manipulated and shaped – whether to rally the faithful to the arms of war or to sooth the troubled and hostile crowd.

How to Prevent a Lot of Sickness and Death

Each year millions of people, especially during the winter months, become infected with easily preventable intestinal viruses, colds, flu, bronchitis and many other disorders.

Pray for the honeybees

The bees came uninvited and built their nest inside the wall behind the chimney, a few feet from the kitchen door. It wasn't the first swarm to take up residence in the walls of the old house during its hundred and twenty year's life time. What was significant was to see wild bees at all!
