| Tomorrow's World

The Hope of a New World

The Hope of a New World

In a time when words like “colony” and “settler” have been vilified beyond measure, what can we learn from the lives of those who gave up everything to sail into the unknown?

Repeating Rome’s Mistakes

Ruins of a Roman temple

As did Rome before it, the United States has steadily declined, and many no longer see it as the greatest nation in the world. Does Bible prophecy predict the fall of America?

2023 February Issue

Ruins of a Roman temple

Repeating Rome’s Mistakes

  • Gerald E. Weston

As did Rome before it, the United States has steadily declined, and many no longer see it as the greatest nation in the world. Does Bible prophecy predict the fall of America?

Bible pages turning in the wind

Will We Heed the Warnings?

  • Douglas S. Winnail

What signs tell us we are living in the end of the age? Prophecies in the Bible about ancient Israel’s disobedience also apply to nations in our world today.

Lion in lightning

The Best a Man Can Do

  • Rod McNair

How can men strive to “do better” in a world that seems increasingly confused about what a man is supposed to do?

The mind in a light bulb

Be Mindful of Your Mind

  • Jonathan McNair

The human mind is a gift from God—and truly is a terrible thing to waste! How can you shape yours to better reflect your Creator’s?

Rainbow over green rocky ocean shore

Find the Joy

  • J. Davy Crockett III

Your pain has a purpose.

Man looking in a mirror contemplatively

There it Was, Right Behind Me

  • Wallace G. Smith

Sometimes, others see us more clearly than we see ourselves.

Teaching Humor

Teaching Humor

  • Mark Sandor

Just because something seems funny doesn’t mean it’s good. Help your children develop the right kind of humor that everyone can enjoy!



  • Editorial Staff

Mark 13:37 | “And what I say to you, I say to all: Watch!

A personal message from the Editor in Chief

The Pursuit of Lasting Happiness

  • Gerald E. Weston

Does it ever seem like the struggle for happiness eclipses the more profound endeavor of man’s search for meaning and purpose? Separating one from the other is where we go wrong.

The Hope of a New World

The Hope of a New World

  • Jonathan Riley

In a time when words like “colony” and “settler” have been vilified beyond measure, what can we learn from the lives of those who gave up everything to sail into the unknown?


Questions and Answers: Who or What is the Antichrist?

  • Editorial Staff

Who is the antichrist, and what exactly does the Bible say about him? Is there more than one antichrist? And is there more to the concept of the antichrist that many miss?

Letters to TW

Letters to TW

  • Editorial Staff

Tell us what you think!


Can We Save Ourselves?

In a wide-ranging interview, Lech Walesa, former President of Poland and leader of the famous Solidarity trade union that helped topple the communist government of Poland, made some sobering observations about the continuing military conflict in Ukraine (The Epoch Times, January 21, 2023). Mr.

America’s Troubled Youth

The American Psychological Association has reported on multiple findings, warning that children in America are experiencing an unprecedented crisis in mental health (2022 Trends Report, January 1, 2022). Schools and hospitals are seeing a striking increase in children and young people seeking mental health care, and suicide has become one of the leading causes of death for individuals 12 to 24 years of age.
