| Tomorrow's World

Britain After Boris: What Lies Ahead?

Britain After Boris: What Lies Ahead?

In the United Kingdom and around the world, honest politics is the reigning oxymoron of our day. Will there ever come a time when we can place complete trust in our national leaders?

What Is the Value of Human Life?

Human life

No matter how much politicians, “progressives,” and proponents of abortion and assisted suicide foster confusion regarding the value of human life, the Bible is clear: Every human life matters to God. Who will you trust—mere humans, or the God who created humans for a divine purpose?

Floods in Pakistan

Pakistan is experiencing wide-spread flooding, along with a host of other challenges (Reuters, September 22, 2022). Hundreds of thousands of people are now displaced and living in open plains, as floodwaters cover large swaths of land. Experts predict it could take two to six months for floodwaters to fully recede. As a result of the stagnant water, mosquitos are breeding rapidly and malaria is spreading.

Haiti in Chaos

The Caribbean island nation of Haiti is in chaos as fuel prices soar and the government threatens to cease fuel subsidies (New York Times, September 21, 2022). All this in a nation where poverty is rampant and governmental stability has been fleeting for many decades. One opposition leader has called on crowds to close down local banks. A well-known gang leader also called on crowds to depose the sitting prime minister and “overturn” the system.

The Truth About the Transgender Movement

“The Truth About the Transgender Movement” exposes the confusion, heartbreak, and permanently damaged lives caused by the growing transgender movement.
