| Tomorrow's World

Air Force removes God.

The U.S. Air Force Rapid Capabilities Office recently removed God from its logo as a result of protests from the Military Association of Atheists and Freethinkers.  Jason Torpy, president of the association, said the word “God” had no place in the logo because not all members of the military are religious.  “We just hope (the Air Force) can provide more equal opportunities for atheists and humanists in the military.”

Sobering situation in Greece.

Since 2009, 25% of Greek businesses have ceased operation, “and half of all small businesses in the country say they are unable to meet payroll.”  In addition, “the suicide rate increased by 40 percent in the first half of 2011.”  On a recent visit to Greece, a journalist observed, “It’s not uncommon to see decently dressed Greeks discreetly rummaging through garbage bins for food.  A new book about how the country survived the Nazi occupation—“Starvation Recipes”—has become a surprise hit.”

Serving God's people in Myanmar

I was recently blessed to be able to travel from my home in Malaysia to Myanmar to visit with and to serve God’s faithful flock. I thank God for a blessed trip and I thank God for the faithfulness of our spiritual brothers and sisters in Myanmar. The trip was encouraging to me and you may also be interested in learning a little more about how God is providing for His people in this remote but beautiful country. For the safety of our Christian brothers and sisters in Myanmar, I cannot share the names of these wonderful men and women in this report.

A lack of vision.

A major reason the Allied Powers defeated Nazi Germany in WWII was that the U.S. military-industrial complex vastly out-produced Germany.  Allied forces recently defeated the Gadhafi regime in Libya because of U.S. weapon supplies. However, the U.S. is now outsourcing military production and beginning to pay the price.

Are You in "the Way"?

We have all heard the expression, “My way or the highway.” It is usually a statement made by someone in authority, giving a subordinate a choice—either to do something a certain way, or to suffer the consequences. The Almighty God gives mankind a choice, either to learn to live His way, or to suffer the consequences. Which way are you choosing?
