| Tomorrow's World

Why Poverty?

The world’s economic system reels from one failure to another, as the Euro-zone nations, as well as the United Kingdom, the United States and others feverishly work to find the means to fund the crushing financial burden of entitlement programs promised to their citizens. What can be done?

Vatican wants greater involvement in the Holy Land.

Several leading bishops from the Vatican recently visited a “Christian” village in the Gaza Strip.  This event was done in coordination with the Palestinian Authority (PA).  Also, in December a Vatican center in Jerusalem hosted a conference with Christian and Muslim leaders entitled, “How to live together in a future Palestinian state?”  (IsraelNationalNews.com, January 11, 2012).

Is eternal life an intangible asset?

When I was in high school, I was in a one-act play that reached the state finals. Our last competition started at 9:00 p.m.—on Friday evening. As a Sabbath-keeper, I wasn’t able to participate. One girl from our cast asked me, “Can’t you miss church once?” She casually added, “God would understand.”

U.S. kindness in troubled region.

Iran and the U.S. are “rattling sabers” once again in the Persian Gulf.  Tightened sanctions on Iran have resulted in military exercises and threats of retaliation if the U.S. brought its carrier group back to the gulf (which it has now done).  An Iranian general recently warned, “I recommend and emphasize to the American carrier not to return to the Persian Gulf… we are not in the habit of warning more than once” (National Post, January 6, 2012).

Doomsday Clock ticks forward.

“A group of scientists that tracks the likelihood of a global cataclysm says the world is moving closer to doomsday.  The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists announced Tuesday that it has moved its ‘Doomsday Clock’ to five minutes to midnight…”
