| Tomorrow's World

The "Gray Matter"

Have you heard of the “10 percent myth”—the idea that the average person uses just 10 percent of the brain? Many people today take this for granted. What you may not know is that—from the writings of a nineteenth-century psychologist and philosopher, to the set of the popular “Mythbusters” television show—this well-traveled idea is quite brainless on many levels.

Russia vs. the U.S. and NATO

In a recent visit to China, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed agreements in trade, investment, nuclear power, and banking, and discussed growing military ties—however, there is more to the story.

Memories of My Dad

My Dad was a hard and dedicated worker. He always had ongoing projects around the house and made sure his sons in particular were contributors to those projects. He knew how to work hard, but also cherished play and instruction time with his children. He had little schooling, only achieving second grade, but he had an educated heart.

Greater push for two-speed Europe.

German Chancellor Merkel plans to use the EU’s month-end meeting to “push ahead with plans for a political union, including more sweeping powers for Brussels” (EU Observer, June 7, 2012).  According to Mrs. Merkel, “That means that step-by-step in the future we have to give up more powers to Europe and grant Europe more oversight possibilities” (ibid.).

What's Wrong With "Following Your Heart"?

In movies and songs, and as advice from actors, singers, and celebrities, we often hear the messages: “Follow your heart” and “Trust your feelings.” Some extol the supposed virtues of listening to their “sixth sense” or their “psychic intuition.” Does the fact that we feel something make it so? Is it generally a good idea to trust our feelings? Or, could doing so get us into real trouble?
