| Tomorrow's World

Teen Kills Nine at Knife Point

Last week, a seventeen-year-old Chinese young man killed nine people and injured five more with a knife, following an argument with his girlfriend (Daily Record, November 27, 2012). This event coincides with shootings in the U.S., and the murder of more than 70 people in ethnic clashes in India (Times of India, Aug


One day, while driving through a Wal-Mart parking lot, I saw a small truck slowly rolling backwards—and heading straight for a ravine at the far edge of the lot. I pulled up beside the truck and noticed that it was unoccupied. With some effort I stopped it, but I could not get it to stay until I wedged a small stone behind the rear tire. Looking back, I  assume the driver found the truck and I assume he might have said, “Wow, I thought I had it in gear!” Those are famous last words: “I thought.”

Saving the Euro.

Italy’s and Spain’s economies are in dire straits, and the EU is seriously considering bailing them out with a major purchase of national bonds.  The all-important caveat may be that Italy and Spain will have to cede control of their fiscal policies to the EU! (Telegraph, August 2, 2012).

Damascus will cease...

Over the past several months, the nation of Syria—especially its capital, Damascus—has come to the forefront of the news. For many of us, “Syria” is just another name of another place in the Middle East that is going through upheaval. So, what can we learn if we look more closely at conflict in Syria, its place in history and what the Bible says about it?

Cattle culling in U.S. Mid-West.

“Cattlemen are selling animals they can’t graze or afford to buy feed for… The number of cattle in the U.S. has been dropping for years.  The Agriculture Department says the nation’s cattle inventory is the smallest since the agency began a July count in 1973” (Associated Press, July 24, 2012).
