| Tomorrow's World

A Reflection on Driving

It is amazing how often life’s everyday endeavors can point us to the spiritual. There is much we can learn from the most mundane situations, if only we take time to stop and meditate on them.

New Zealand MP tries to form his own opinion in same-sex marriage issue.

In a recent “letter drop” in the east Auckland suburb of Botany, the National MP for the area, Mr. Jami-Lee Ross, issued a message to residents. The letter, titled “Same-Sex Marriage: What do you think?” explained that “Parliament will soon be voting on draft legislation to enable same-sex couples to marry. Members of Parliament will be given a [individual] conscience vote on this issue. To help me represent the Botany Electorate when I vote, I would appreciate knowing your views on same-sex marriage” (Jami-Lee Ross, National Party, Same-Sex Marriage Letter, 6th of August, 2012).

My Eyes a Fountain

We grow accustomed to our surroundings, like the proverbial frog in the pot of water—where the temperature is gradually increased until the unwitting creature boils alive. We tend to become hardened in outlook as we see before us a continual stream of expediency and wrong. These days, it can be difficult to keep a tender, sensitive heart.

My Eyes a Fountain

We grow accustomed to our surroundings, like the proverbial frog in the pot of water—where the temperature is gradually increased until the unwitting creature boils alive. We tend to become hardened in outlook as we see before us a continual stream of expediency and wrong. These days, it can be difficult to keep a tender, sensitive heart.

Teen Kills Nine at Knife Point

Last week, a seventeen-year-old Chinese young man killed nine people and injured five more with a knife, following an argument with his girlfriend (Daily Record, November 27, 2012). This event coincides with shootings in the U.S., and the murder of more than 70 people in ethnic clashes in India (Times of India, Aug
