| Tomorrow's World

Lost the game but won the battle.

The basketball team of Beren Academy (an Orthodox Jewish High School), almost missed a semi-final tournament game because team members refused to play at the scheduled time—on the Sabbath.  The Academy asked for rescheduling, but the request was denied by the Texas Association of Private and Parochial Schools.  Yet the players were not willing to compromise, and they stayed faithful to the Sabbath. Beren senior, Isaac Mirwis, said, “it’s tradition, it’s principle, and we stick true to our principles and that’s what makes an identity.

2012—A year for tornadoes?

In the central United States, more than 150 tornadoes touched down from February 28 through March 3.  These storms killed 49 people and literally wiped several towns “off the map.”  Most of the tornadoes occurred in the five states of Tennessee, Kentucky, Indiana, Illinois and Alabama.  “The U.S. has experienced 272 tornadoes this year through March 4, more than twice the seven-year average for the period….”  Damage estimates range from U.S. $1-2 billion so far (Bloomberg.com, March 6, 2012).

Factories for the fatherless.

Every year in the United States, 30,000–60,000 children are born from sperm donations.  As more women want “husband-free” children and “gay marriage” increases, the “reproductive industry” makes vast sums of money through sperm donations.  Sperm donors frequently sire dozens of children, and some hundreds, most of whom never know their father.  But the “industry” creating fatherless children is rife with problems.

Deadly tornadoes hit U.S. Midwest.

This week some 16 tornadoes spawned by a powerful storm system tore through parts of Kansas, Illinois and Missouri, killing and injuring dozens of people.  The resort town of Branson, Missouri, was hard hit with hotels and theaters losing roofs, having windows shattered and losing power.  Branson is about 100 miles southeast of Joplin, Missouri, which was “devastated by a monstrous twister last May that killed 161 people” (onenewsnow.com, Feb.29, 2012).  Several small communities in the region were literally leveled.  Alabama reported that in January, 95 tornadoes struck t

Biblical Key to U.S. Relationships

A recent Gallup poll revealed that “Nearly all Americans, a full 96 per cent, have a favourable view of Canada… That’s the loftiest ranking for any foreign country since Gallup began the poll two decades ago… But the survey suggests Canada better keep its eye on the Aussies—Australia is right behind us in second place at 93 per cent.  Great Britain is in third at 90 per cent” (www.ca.news.yahoo.com, February 16, 2012).   Historically, the U.S. has also had close ties with Israel.
