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News and Prophecy Staff

Massive Pacific volcano discovered.

“Scientists have made a surprising discovery in the Pacific Ocean about 1,000 miles east of Japan: Earth’s largest volcano. Tamu Massif is a monster at 280 miles by 400 miles, or roughly the size of Arizona, and ranks among the largest such structures in our solar system” (, September 8, 2013).

Armenia joins Eurasian customs union.

“Armenia said Tuesday it has decided to join a customs union led by Russia as well as the proposed Eurasian Economic Union strongly promoted by Russian President Vladimir Putin. Armenia will become the fourth member of the customs block made up of Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan” (Wall Street Journal, September 3, 2013). President Putin envisions a Eurasian economic bloc to counter the European Union, and he is taking all necessary measures to accomplish his dream.

A coming shift in EU governance?

“German Chancellor Angela Merkel has become the latest EU leader to raise the prospect of shifting powers from Brussels back to national governments” (EU Observer, August 15, 2013). The EU is currently governed by non-elected officials in Brussels; however, more voices are calling for restructuring to create a real federal Europe.

Return of Jamaican voodoo.

The “Christian” nation of Jamaica claims to have the highest ratio of churches to people of any nation on earth (BBC, August 12, 2013). Since colonial times, Obeah (Jamaica’s version of voodoo) has been illegal and punishable by “flogging, imprisonment, among other penalties” (ibid.). However, the Jamaican government recently abolished these punishments and many are calling for the full decriminalization of Obeah (ibid.).

Japan’s Nuclear Troubles

Two and a half years after a tsunami severely damaged the Fukushima nuclear power plant outside Tokyo, the plant is leaking a large amount of radioactive water into the Pacific Ocean. Faulty pipes and leaking basements under the affected reactors are leaking at the rate of 300 metric tons per day—75% of what is being stored (Bloomberg, August 26, 2013).
