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News and Prophecy Staff

Public Veneration of Peter’s Bones.

“Pope Francis on Sunday will preside over a Mass in St. Peter’s Square at which an urn containing the relics [supposedly the bones of Peter] will be shown for public veneration. The urn is usually kept in the Apostolic Palace for private veneration by popes, but it will be publicly displayed for the first time to mark the end of the church’s ‘Year of Faith’” (Associated Press, November 18, 2013).

Increasing German Resentment of the U.S.

“A new poll by German public television (ARD) indicates that only 35 percent of Germans still see the United States as a good partner. That figure has fallen 14 points since just this past July when about half of all Germans saw America as a partner they could trust. The new poll… also indicates that 61 percent of Germans now see the United States as an untrustworthy partner” (McClatchyDC, November 8, 2013).

Devastation in the Philippines.

Typhoon Haiyan (Typhoon Yolanda) slammed into the central Philippines last Friday killing more than 2,000 people and inflicting damage on more than 41 provinces (Associated PressNovember 11, 2013November 14, 2013).

The Future of Britain?

A recent Economist article entitled “Little England or Great Britain?”  suggests that Britain faces two choices: to either rebuild its greatness or continue its decline on the world scene (November 9, 2013). Coming events that will impact this future include: the vote on Scottish independence in 2014, a British referendum on EU membership in 2017, along with immigration and other issues (ibid.).

Putin and Merkel: World’s Most Powerful People.

According to a Forbes magazine ranking, “Russian leader Vladimir Putin has trumped US President Barack Obama as the most powerful man in the world, while German Chancellor Angela Merkel retains her title as the world’s most powerful woman” (EU Observer, October 31, 2013).
