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News and Prophecy Staff

May Elections and Europe’s Future.

Voters in the May 2014 Europe-wide elections could set the European Union on a course to reach its prophesied destiny. Currently, “anti-EU parties are leading the polls in France, the Netherlands and Greece” and many now assume that Britain will leave the Union (Telegraph, January 8, 2014).

Satanists want space in Oklahoma.

Satan worshipers want to erect a statue of their own beside a Ten Commandments monument outside the Oklahoma State House (Associated Press, January 6, 2014). They claim, “The statue will also have a functional purpose as a chair where people of all ages may sit on the lap of Satan for inspiration and contemplation” (ibid.). While many doubt that such a monument will be approved, an ACLU lawsuit could complicate the matter (ibid.).

Acid oceans and Bible prophecy.

The world’s oceans are becoming more acidic at an “unprecedented rate” as they absorb more human-produced carbon dioxide emissions (, November 14, 2013).  Acidification is faster in colder waters, and it is especially damaging to shell-forming marine animals like oysters, shrimp, lobsters and plankton—and this threatens the economic livelihood of societies that depend on these marine creatures (ibid.).

Anglicans and the Vatican move closer.

Ecumenical activities are increasing between Anglicans and the Vatican.  “Pope Francis is being credited with the new ‘ecumenical spring’ after the chill brought on by the ordination of women and moves towards women bishops in the Church of England and wider Anglican Communion” (The Times, January 4, 2014). The Pope and the Archbishop of Canterbury seem to have “a meeting of souls as much as a meeting of minds” (ibid.).

Biblical Values Overcome Perpetual Poverty

A recent Georgetown University study showed that when people in the lowest caste in an Indian city began to follow Biblical values, they were much more likely to break the poverty cycle (Catholic News Agency, December 20, 2013). Biblical values like hard work, integrity, taking care of one’s home and planning for the future were central to people breaking free of their generations-old cycle of poverty (ibid.).
