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News and Prophecy Staff

Babies Have Different Needs!

Scientists have recently discovered that “Bottle-fed babies could benefit from formula milk made according to a sex-specific recipe” (The Times, February 15, 2014).

More Rumors of Wars.

Nearly two thousand years ago, Jesus foretold that one of the signs of the approaching end of this age would be “wars and rumors of wars” (Matthew 24:3-8).  This accurately describes what we are seeing today.  In the Middle Eastern nation of Syria, a civil war is tearing the country apart, and thousands of refugees attempt to get out of ruined cities.  In Eastern Europe, Ukraine is also being torn by rioting factions that want independence and closer connections with the West, while others want closer ties with Russia (

Why We Talk About News and Prophecy.

Some have asked why we focus on news events and Bible prophecy each week—since prophecy seems like “bad news” that can be depressing and upsetting, especially to young people. So why do we do it? Because Jesus Christ repeatedly instructed His disciples, “Watch therefore, for you do not know what hour your Lord is coming” (Matthew 24:42; 25:13). The Apostle Paul also warned, “Therefore let us not sleep, as others do, but let us watch and be sober” (1 Thessalonians 5:6).

The Bones of Charlemagne.

Scientists have recently published results from a secret study of bones stored in the Aachen Cathedral. One researcher noted regarding the 1,200-year-old bones that, “Thanks to the results from 1988 up until today, we can say with great likelihood that we are dealing with the skeleton of Charlemagne” (The Local, January 31, 2014).

Germany’s Military Desires.

Ursula von der Leyen, nick-named the Crown Princess by the German press, is Germany’s first female defense minister (The Times, February 9, 2014). With her eyes on the chancellorship, von der Leyen “has been striving to create a cross-party alliance in favor of challenging the 69-year-old taboo against military action” (ibid.).
